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Professional systems 24


Development and production of vending machines - Profsystem 24

Professional systems 24

 Industrial vending  is a demanded technological direction designed to improve the efficiency of production activities. The main goal is to provide personnel with the necessary for the work of goods and materials in an autonomous mode. Industrial vending machines provide automated issuance of tools, production equipment, inventory, personal protective equipment and overalls, components to workers. In general, they are capable of issuing any items that are used by personnel to perform production duties.

The vending machine replaces the storekeeper, without requiring a salary, avoiding mistakes, working without breaks and days off. Additionally, the equipment can perform a number of control functions, for example, identification of an employee, control of working hours, checking for alcohol intoxication, etc.

Industrial vending machines are widely used on the following types of objects:

  • manufacturing plants;
  • large warehouse and logistics complexes;
  • shopping and business centers;
  • objects of transport infrastructure - stations, airports;
  • clinics, medical centers.

This equipment is also suitable for other facilities with a large number of workers who need to be regularly provided with the same type of items for work.

How the vending machine works

The principle of operation of an industrial vending machine is to identify an employee and issue him goods and materials, subject to the specified conditions. The machine can use the following elements and sensors to interact with the recipient:

  • information screen;
  • touch display;
  • reader for reading electronic keys;
  • fingerprint reader;
  • breathalyzer, etc.

An employee of the company identifies himself with a card, badge, biometrics or other data. After that, he chooses the product or object needed to receive. If the identification is successful and the employee meets the specified criteria, the vending machine starts the automatic dispensing mechanism. After the employee receives the item, the operation of the consumption of goods and materials is automatically recorded in the accounting system. Thus, the machine fully performs the routine functions of a storekeeper.

The following types of industrial vending machines are distinguished by design and method of dispensing:

  • check-in machines - machines with opening cells;
  • with rotating spirals;
  • with belt conveyors - used to dispense containers with liquid, fragile items.

In addition, machines are used to collect used items, for example, to collect personal protective equipment or dirty overalls.

Development of vending machines

The company " Profsystem 24 " in St. Petersburg performs development of industrial vending machines of all types. The company also modernizes and refines serial models according to customer requirements.

Development is carried out according to the TOR, which clearly stipulates all the initial parameters, including:

  • the type and characteristics of the issued product, including its shelf life, fragility, etc .;
  • packing parameters - type of packing material, size, shape;
  • types of different products dispensed by one machine;
  • planned load for each type of product;
  • the required temperature mode of the equipment operation - depends on the storage temperature of the issued items;
  • operating conditions - outdoor or indoor installation;
  • the need to organize remote control and management, etc.

This allows us to offer customers  vending machines , fully meeting their requirements.

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