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Home / Publications / Digest / Equipment / Mini hydraulic stations

Mini hydraulic stations


Such installations are capable of maintaining a constant (long-term) pressure in the system up to 210 bar with a capacity of 17 liters per minute.

Mini hydraulic stations

The full-scale development of the so-called small business and individual entrepreneurship implies the availability on the market of the equipment necessary for this area of ​​production activity or the provision of services:

  • Compact yet powerful.
  • Affordable and reliable (easy) to operate.

It is to this type of device, taking into account the economic realities of the modern world, that mini hydraulic stations belong. Despite the availability of a wide variety of electromechanical equipment, hydraulics has been and remains the most preferred way to increase the applied forces, for example:

  • Under the concept of (lowering) loads (lift for light vehicles).
  • When creating one-step physical activity in a given direction (laying pipelines).

At the same time, modern mini-stations are produced by manufacturers in a compact mobile format and can be used in the field by mobile repair teams.

What is a mobile hydraulic station

Mobile hydraulic station on the site https://motorimpex.ua depending on the technical parameters in terms of productivity and value of generated pressure, is a monoblock consisting of:

  • An electric motor of a certain power.
  • A gear pump, the shaft of which is attached to the rotor of the power plant.

Connection to equipment (for example, a hydraulic jack or scissors) is carried out using a special adapter (union). Such installations are capable of maintaining a constant (for a long time) pressure in the system of up to 210 bar with a capacity of 17 liters per minute. But, the main advantage of these mobile units is the ability to connect them to a 12 V power source, for example, to a regular car battery.

You can get more complete information about the types and technical capabilities of mini hydraulic stations using the website of the company that produces them at its own production facilities. The station models presented in the resource catalog are already available and are sold in online format with delivery to the address indicated by the buyer.

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