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5 reasons to eat dark chocolate every day


Cocoa contains tryptophan, an amino acid from which the brain produces serotonin.

5 reasons to eat dark chocolate every day

Many people, taking care of their health, exclude fried, fatty and sweets from their diet. This decision has a positive effect on both your general condition and your figure. But not all sweets are harmful and dangerous. For example, dark chocolate with a high cocoa content can be called a healthy product. Most healthy nutrition experts generally consider this dessert to be an essential part of the diet. Therefore, if you like the pleasant bitterness of this delicacy, you can buy a chocolate bar with cocoa content of at least 72%. 

Happy people eat chocolate

Cocoa contains tryptophan, an amino acid from which the brain produces serotonin. The latter is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happier, more satisfied with life, and helps you overcome life’s failures more resiliently. An interesting study conducted by a group of Finnish scientists claims that mothers who regularly ate dark chocolate during pregnancy gave birth to calmer and happier babies.

Benefits for the heart and blood vessels

People Those who love dark chocolate are at least five times less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. And all because cocoa beans contain flavonoids - natural antioxidants that reduce the level of LDL, “bad” cholesterol. Flavonoids also have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels.

Maintaining clarity of thinking

A large-scale study lasting 40 years has proven the benefits of the product for cognitive abilities. One part of the participants ate a small portion of chocolate every day, while the other completely gave up this treat or reduced its consumption to a minimum. The results of a long-term experiment showed that dessert lovers scored higher on intelligence tests. For older people, this product is necessary in the diet to maintain mental acuity and clarity of thinking.

Glowing skin

In addition to flavonoids, cocoa beans contain two more types of powerful antioxidants - catechins and phenols. These substances make the skin more resistant to various types of irritants, including exposure to sunlight. And since the skin is the largest organ of our body, its health has a positive effect on the general condition and well-being. You can buy natural chocolate that is healthy for the body in Maudau online market.

Fighting stress

Dark chocolate has a natural calming effect. It is for this reason that in stressful situations the body often requires something sweet. And if a cake or pastry does not bring the desired result, then a slice of bitter dessert will help overcome unwanted emotions. To get the maximum benefit from this product, you should add it to your diet at least five times a week.

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