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Metallurgy machines and dismantling robots


Robotic technology drills and seals a tap hole - a hole for removing molten metal from the furnace.

Metallurgy machines and dismantling robots

Robots and machines play an important role in metallurgy and are widely used to automate and optimize production processes.

Thanks to metallurgy machines, the following processes can be automated:

Casting and molding .Robots are used to automatically load and unload materials into furnaces, presses and other devices for casting and forming metal. They also perform robotic sand molding, which improves the accuracy and cyclicity of processes.

Machines for metallurgy remove refractory material from furnaces, clean ladles and chutes, dismantle refractory bricks, clean the bottoms of mixers and furnaces.

Robotic technology drills and seals the tap hole - hole for removing molten metal from the furnace.

Surface treatment. Robots are used to perform various surface finishing operations on metal products such as grinding, polishing, shading and painting. Automation improves the quality of processing.

Assembly and welding Robotic systems are used for metal structure assembly, welding, acceptance and quality control. They ensure accurate and fast connection of parts, and also reduce the risks for workers when performing tasks associated with hazardous conditions.

MachiningRobots are used to perform a variety of machining operations on materials, such as milling, drilling, turning, etc.

Quality control. Robots take metal samples for quality analysis.

Advantages of using machines in metallurgy

Metallurgy machines and dismantling robots increase the efficiency of the production process.

  • Reduce process downtime due to high temperatures. Thanks to a machine with attachments, you can quickly carry out the process of lining and removing slag when the furnace is not completely cooled.
  • Reduce the cost of production and increase its competitiveness.
  • Increase the safety of the process due to the fact that human labor is used in dangerous conditions: risk of collapse, elevated temperatures. The machines are controlled remotely and the operator does not need to be near the oven.
  • The machine works more efficiently than a person. Labor costs are reduced.

Machines for metallurgy in the Demorobot company

The company sells:

  • Machines for breaking the lining of convectors with a telescopic extension booms from 7 to 13 meters, vehicle weight from 24 to 45 tons. There are tracked and wheeled vehicles. Control is carried out remotely or from the operator’s cabin, there is also a combined type of machine control.
  • Machines for drilling and replacing converter tapholes with a single or double boom on a wheeled or tracked track.
  • Slag removal machines.
  • Lining breaking machine for blast furnace furnaces.
  • Dismantling robots with electric and hydraulic remote control.

The Demorobot company has its own production of dismantling robots.

We provide customers with:

  • Reasonable prices for machines and dismantling robots.
  • Possibility of exchanging an old dismantling robot for a new one via trade-in.
  • Engineering services.
  • Service and repair.
  • Wide selection of attachments for machines.
  • Rental of dismantling robots.
  • Dismantling of objects.

Site https://azarrus.com/

Contacts: 88006006852

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