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Home / Publications / Digest / Промышленность / Industrial automation equipment

Industrial automation equipment


The world's leading companies are engaged in the development of equipment for production automation. On the market you can find sensors, operator panels and other devices that are optimal for any type of task.

Industrial automation equipment

Industrial automation implies the introduction and use of computer equipment to control various production processes. With the help of the integration of industrial automation, the following tasks are solved: control, supervision, monitoring of production processes.

Industrial automation involves the use of various functional elements:

  • sensitive and executive (sensors);
  • elements of the control system;
  • dispatch controls.

Executive and sensitive elements

Sensors provide control of parameters important for the correct course of the technological process. Sensors can be used to control temperature, humidity, pressure, illumination, etc.

Information from the sensors is transmitted to the controllers, the readings are analyzed and the data obtained is compared with the set parameters. In case of deviations, the operator is notified or the values ​​are corrected automatically by turning on the motors, relays, control valves and other equipment.

Control system elements

The elements of the control system are industrial computers or operator panels. The equipment performs the functions of continuous or sequential control. Upon receipt of signals, a computer or operator panel activates various types of actuators.

Control systems in modern production are also equipped with a human-machine interface that provides constant control and graphical display of processes, maintaining a database, generating signals, including notification when an emergency situation develops.

Dispatch Controls

If automatic controllers monitor production parameters and small subsystems, then supervisory control elements provide higher level control. The equipment is responsible for such parameters as performance, startup and diagnostics of equipment, calculation of settings, etc.

Supervisory control systems are a human-machine interface that provides a continuous graphical display of all processes, with the help of which all operations are remotely controlled.

What are the benefits of industrial automation

Automation of production allows you to solve a whole range of tasks related to the profitability of the production process, increasing productivity, production safety, etc.

Implementation of automation systems provides:

  • increase in productivity (output increases with a given labor input);
  • improving the quality of products (reducing the proportion of defects is ensured by eliminating the human factor and full control over all production processes);
  • reduction of production costs (due to reduction of personnel required for production of products);
  • reducing the number of routine tasks;
  • increasing the level of production safety;
  • reduction of material consumption due to accurate calculations and continuous monitoring;
  • remote monitoring capability.

The world's leading companies are engaged in the development of equipment for production automation. On the market you can find sensors, operator panels and other devices that are optimal for any type of task. The introduction of automation systems significantly increases the efficiency of the enterprise and provides obvious competitive advantages.

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