Home / Materials for 04.06.2020

Gaiskiy GOK updating its fleet of mining equipment

Since the beginning of the year at the Underground mine and shaft Construction the office had received 27 units of mining self-propelled machinery....

Digitalization is a key element of the development strategy of MMK

MMK continues to implement strategic initiatives industry 4.0 . A key element of the development strategy of MMK Group to 2025 is digitalization,...

Workers CMP will tell the participants of the children's online camp on metallurgy

Workers at Chelyabinsk metallurgical plant (OJSC CHMK, enters into Group "Mechel") will be the speakers of the regional children's online...

Severstal will reduce emissions of the Cherepovets metallurgical plant into the atmosphere by 22.5%

Severstal will reduce emissions of the Cherepovets metallurgical plant into the atmosphere by 22.5%...

Global steel consumption in 2020 will be reduced by 6.4% - Worldsteel

the Largest drop in steel consumption will be observed in the advanced economies, which slightly offset the growth in steel demand in China....

Reuters: US will punish all those involved in the construction of "Nord stream – 2"

members of Congress propose to impose sanctions not only on participants in the laying of pipes across the Baltic sea, but also on all related...

The Dnieper metallurgical plant launched blast furnace No. 2

After blowing-and output of blast furnace at operating parameters, the company plans to resume operation of the oxygen Converter and rolling mill....

The South Korean Prosecutor's office demands to arrest the Vice-President of Samsung Group

the Prosecution of law enforcement officers based on the alleged violation of the Law of South Korea's capital markets during the merger of Samsung...

Worldsteel: ArcelorMittal retained the title of the largest producer of steel in the world

Earlier, Chinese state media reported that a leading metallurgical company in the world by the end of 2019 China was China Steel Baowu....

Rolls-Royce has confirmed a reduction of 3,000 jobs in the UK

the Company said last month that the pandemic coronavirus will result in the deep crisis in the global aviation industry....

MMK announces results of annual General meeting of shareholders

At the Magnitogorsk metallurgical combine is in the final phase of the technical upgrading of blast furnace No. 2. The renovated unit will be...

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