Home / Main / Ukraine has lost a third of steel production and fell to 15th place in the ranking of Worldsteel
Home / Main / Ukraine has lost a third of steel production and fell to 15th place in the ranking of Worldsteel

Ukraine has lost a third of steel production and fell to 15th place in the ranking of Worldsteel

Main / Ukraine
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Ukraine in April went down from 12 th to 15-th place in the ranking of world steel producers, reducing the production of 30.9% compared to the same period of 2019.

Ukraine has lost a third of steel production and fell to 15th place in the ranking of Worldsteel

Global raw steel production for the 64 countries reporting to the World steel Association (worldsteel) was $ 137,1 million tons in April 2020, up by 13.0% less than in April 2019. Four months 2020 world steel production made 580,994 million tons, which is 4.1% less than in the same period last year.

According to the Association, the top five steel producers in the world include China, Japan, South Korea, USA, Russia and India. Ukraine on the results of metallurgical enterprises in April 2020 decreased steel production of 30.9% compared to the same period of 2019 - up to 1,339 million tons, down from 12 th to 15-th place, and after four months went down the 11th position in the 13th.

In April 2020 in China produced 85 million tons of raw steel, which is 0.2% more than in April 2019. India produced 3.1 million tons of steel, which is 65.2% less than in April 2019. Japan produced 6.6 million tons of steel, which is 23.5% less.

Production in the EU is estimated at 10,729 million tons in April 2020, which is 22.9% less than in April 2019.

the U.S. produced 5 million tons of steel in April 2020, which is 32,5% less than in April 2019.

Production in the CIS is estimated at 6.6 million tons in April 2020, which is 22.6% less than in April 2019. Russia produced 4.1 million tons of steel, which is 19.4% less than in April 2019.

Brazil produced 1.8 million tons of steel ("minus" 39%). Steel production in Turkey was 2.2 million tonnes, a decrease of 26.3%.

During the four months of this year, the first ten countries-manufacturers of steel looks as follows: China (319,461 million tons, an increase of 1.3%), Japan (30,730 million tons, a drop by 8.6%), India (30,055 million tons, falling by 21.1%), USA (26,686 million tonnes, "minus" 9.6 percent), Russia (22,885 million tons, a decline of 4.4%), South Korea (22,436 million tonnes, "minus" 5.7 percent), Germany (12,860 million tonnes, "minus" 6,8%), Turkey (11,220 million tons, a fall of 0.1%), Brazil (9,954 million tons, a decline of 14.3%) and Iran (8,490 million tonnes, "plus" 4,3%).

Global steel production in 2019 increased by 3.4% compared to the 2018 year and reached 1 869,9 million tons.

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