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Home / News / Business and Finance / Fitch Ratings forecasts a "deep global recession"

Fitch Ratings forecasts a "deep global recession"

Business and Finance
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New Outlook < / span>does not provide the return of the GDP in the US and Europe to the levels seen before the virus of the crisis to the end of 2021.

Fitch Ratings forecasts a "deep global recession"

International rating Agency Fitch Ratings said Thursday that a deep global recession in 2020 - baseline forecast amid the impact of the epidemic of coronavirus in the world.

Fitch said that the speed with which the spread of the coronavirus that caused the need for another round of significant cuts in GDP forecasts.

the Agency expects a reduction in global economic activity by 1.9% in 2020 and reduce US GDP, the Euro area and the United Kingdom, 3.3%, 4.2% and 3.9% respectively.

Baseline forecast does not envisage the return of the GDP in the US and Europe to the levels seen before the virus of the crisis to the end of 2021, the report said.

the Agency added that the reconstruction of China after the crisis in the first quarter of 2020 will be severely curtailed by the global recession.

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