Home / News / Europe / On Saturday, the Germans protested against the construction of girafarig Tesla on the outskirts of Berlin
Home / News / Europe / On Saturday, the Germans protested against the construction of girafarig Tesla on the outskirts of Berlin

On Saturday, the Germans protested against the construction of girafarig Tesla on the outskirts of Berlin

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the Protesters accused Elon musk that his factory will jeopardize water and wildlife in the area.

On Saturday, the Germans protested against the construction of girafarig Tesla on the outskirts of Berlin

About 250 Germans came out to protest against the construction of a car plant Tesla in the German commune Grünheide after the Brandenburg water Association on Thursday warned of "serious problems with water supply and sewage" required to operate giavarini. "Tesla is stealing our water," the protesters chanted.

Ann Bach, a 27-year-old activist in the field of environmental protection, said that plans Tesla published earlier this month showed that it would require more than 300 cubic meters of water per hour, which will drain the already small water resources of the region.

Next to an environmental protest on the other side of the street, about 20 people put up their posters with a welcome label on which was written: "Tesla is our future".

Bernd Kutz, residing in Grünheide, told reporters that Tesla will improve in the region, create jobs and give chances to young people. "I'm here because I don't understand the protesters, who shout and show us the middle finger," said stubby.

Protests by environmentalists in Germany previously stopped and arrested investment plans of major companies, among which later became the symbol of protests antiwhaling project lignite mining company RWE in Hambach forest, near Cologne.

Future European plant of the American company Tesla will build on the outskirts of Berlin near conservation areas. Two decades ago to build a company is planning a BMW, but in the end she chose Leipzig. Remembering loss of profits, commune administration quickly agreed to the offer by the company of billionaire Elon musk. "Investment is a unique opportunity. They will help young people with a good education to stay in our region. This option was not in previous years", — says the head of the commune Arne Christian.

the Construction of another plant in the country with the largest automobile market in Europe will be a major test for the company Mask, as the inhabitants of the region are more loyal to local brands. In addition, the labor cost in Germany is 50% higher than in the US and five times higher than in Poland, which is just an hour drive from Grünheide.

it is Planned that the European plant, the company will provide 12 000 jobs and will produce up to 500,000 cars a year. The company will launch in July 2021. This may be an additional risk of a major German car manufacturers Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler, which last year fell to the lowest level in 25 years.

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