Home / News / Europe / Tata Steel asks the UK government half a billion pounds

Tata Steel asks the UK government half a billion pounds

Europe / Business and Finance
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In the words of British member of Parliament Stephen Kinnock, Tata Steel needs state support in the amount of about 500 million pounds to tackle the pandemic coronavirus.

Tata Steel asks the UK government half a billion pounds

the Largest steel company Tata Steel UK appealed to the authorities for financial support after most of her clients stopped production during the crisis. The company said it is working with the governments of the UK and Wales at the same time.

"According to Tata Steel, will take about six months to return to normal business or as close as possible to it, and the problem they face is cash flow for the six-month period", - informed the journalists of Sky News, the UK member of Parliament Stephen Kinnock.

the Representative of Tata Steel said that steel demand in Europe fell sharply, adding: "We continue to work with the governments of England and Wales to determine what support can be obtained".

Tata Steel provides direct employment 8 385 people in the UK, including about 4,000 people in Port Talbot and 2 800 people at plants in Wales.

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