Chongqing alumina refinery in China reopens

China produced 72.53 million tonnes of alumina in 2018, up 9.9 percent from a year earlier, and is the world's largest aluminum producer, according...

Business WireArconic Inc took a course to increase aluminum production

Aluminum production is in high demand in the automotive market, and demand for it in North America may double in the next 10 years....

Peru stops mining silver and gold due to low prices

Low silver prices have led to the halt of Hochschild Mining at the Arcata gold mine in Peru....

Arconic split into two companies after rejecting Apollo offer

Arconic shares dropped nearly 3.2 percent to $ 17.12 on Friday, after rising 2.6 percent in early trading....

Bolivia's lithium and other metals production reaches a new level

Plants for the extraction of lithium are planned to be built on large salt marshes located in the west of Bolivia....

Copper Prices Decline At 2nd Trading Session Of China's Growth Concerns

Copper prices in the second trading session in London fell on Monday amid concerns about a slight slowdown in manufacturing activity of the world's...

British company seeks permission to deactivate uranium mine in Salamanca

Berkeley also recalled the rise in world uranium prices in the final trimester of 2018 by 4% at once (up to $ 28.50 per ounce)....

Antofagasta Shows Record Quarterly Production

Chilean copper producer Antofagasta PLC finished the year with better than expected annual productivity, as evidenced by Q4 production and strong...

Australian MOD Rejects Sandfire Bid As Undervalued, But Willing To Negotiate

MOD's Perth office confirmed that a non-binding offer from Sandfire was made on January 16 following a study tour of the company to investigate the...

Chinese companies set record for aluminum exports

Specialists from China attribute this growth to good conditions in the global market in 2018....

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