Home / News / North America / Turkey does not refuse to supply Russian s-400

Turkey does not refuse to supply Russian s-400

North America / Business and Finance

Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that U.S. President trump has been making sincere efforts to solve problems between the two countries, but to buy American Patriot instead of the cheaper Russian s-400 Turkey will not become.

Turkey does not refuse to supply Russian s-400
Фото: Журналисты сопровождают визит президента Эрдогана в США

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his return from Washington told about the results of negotiations with his American counterpart Donald trump the situation with the purchase by Ankara of the Russian systems s-400.

"We consider the demand to give up the s-400 in favor of the Patriot how earning on our sovereign rights, and we certainly do not believe this is correct," said the Turkish leader. He reminded that Greece, which is also a NATO country, is the Russian s-300. "But there's never been such talk," said Erdogan.

Turkey bought from Russia a batch of Russian s-400, which caused dissatisfaction among the States. They demanded that Ankara partner of NATO, to abandon the purchase of Russian weapons and purchase the American Patriot system. Turkey did not abandon the purchase of s-400, in response, Washington expelled Ankara from a joint program of the American F-35.

Erdogan said that Turkey has already paid US for the F-35 is 1 billion 400 million dollars, but has not received any aircraft.

"I hope we get a positive result at the end of the negotiations. I again saw trump's much more positive, with more constructive approach," - said the President of Turkey.

Earlier it was reported that Russia had ended the supply of Turkey components of the s-400 in the framework of the contract between the two countries.

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