Home / News / Ukraine / In October, Energomashspetsstal shipped 1,715 tons of products to customers
Home / News / Ukraine / In October, Energomashspetsstal shipped 1,715 tons of products to customers

In October, Energomashspetsstal shipped 1,715 tons of products to customers

Ukraine / Engineering

These are backup and work rolls, rollers, columns, shanks, discs, bottoms, shells, flanges, trunnions and other products.

In October, Energomashspetsstal shipped 1,715 tons of products to customers

The main consumers of Ukrainian metal products are companies located in Finland, America, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Germany and other countries. Products bearing the EMSS brand were shipped to metallurgical plants ArcelorMittal, General Electric, Lasco, Eurohuolinta OY, Presezzi Extrusion and other companies.

Most of the supplies are products for the nuclear industry, including for foreign nuclear power plants Akkuyu NPP (Turkey), Kudankulam NPP (India), Xudapu NPP (China) and Tianwan NPP (China) .

In October Energomashspetsstal completed the production of two unique backup rolls of 207 tons each. The length of each item was almost 11 meters, the barrel diameter was 2.25 meters, and the barrel length was 4.9 meters. The giant rolls are designed for operation in the 5000 hot plate mill.

In the same month, EMSS, by order of General Electric, manufactured and shipped to the Customer two liners and two discs for Unit 4 of the Akkuyu NPP. The total weight of the workpieces is 160 tons.

For JSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau" (Kazakhstan), another slag carrier with a mass of 48 tons was manufactured and shipped, designed to transport liquid molten slag in a bowl with a capacity of 16 cubic meters.

Some of the products were also manufactured for the Ukrainian enterprises Azovstal, Zaporizhstal, Dneprotyazhmash and Ukrmehcenter.

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