Home / News / Ukraine / On November 1, the Verkhovna Rada will pay for absenteeism
Home / News / Ukraine / On November 1, the Verkhovna Rada will pay for absenteeism

On November 1, the Verkhovna Rada will pay for absenteeism


From today to skip the session of the Verkhovna Rada will cost the MP part of the wages. If you truancy more than a third of the meetings, money he will not get at all.

On November 1, the Verkhovna Rada will pay for absenteeism

starting from today the Ukrainian Parliament will start to punish for absenteeism. Now members register using the electronic system before the opening of each plenary session, clicking "for". If not let know - the system logs it.

As told MP from the party "Servant of people" Elena Shulyak, this is very good news. "Parliamentarians should be aware of the extraordinary responsibility of their work and not to miss meetings without good reason".

She recalled that the greater absenteeism of MP, the lower its charges to the salary. If within one month without good reason, the MP is not involved in more than 30% of votes or more than 50% of the meetings of the Committee, I don't get paid at all.

deputies of the Verkhovna Rada in addition to absenteeism, there is another serious problem: their correspondence is not the first time I get into the lenses of photographers, and then in the social network. In recent months, the whole country knew the details of the personal contact of several of the parliamentarians, which they then had to apologize or make excuses.

Aksaray advise their colleagues to hide from the press under the balcony or in the nooks of the courtroom. But journalists can overtake the hapless people's choice, and in those secret places.

are There any other ways to protect the secrecy of personal correspondence? We know about one of these.

the market is already not the first year special "anti-spyware" films for the screens of smartphones and tablets. They are created precisely in order to hide the correspondence and other sensitive information from prying eyes. Such films include a polarizing filter, which partially darkens the screen and reduces the viewing angle.

People who will look at him sideways, almost have no chance to see what is displayed on the display.

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