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Ukraine expects to get help from the "Green climate Fund"


To this end, the government will develop a strategy of "green" energy transition up to 2050.

Ukraine expects to get help from the "Green climate Fund"
Фото: Алексй Оржель на 25- й Конференции сторон Рамочной конвенции о смене климата

According to forecasts, about 100 Ukrainian cities and villages will be totally or partially flooded by raising sea before the end of this century. This was discussed in the speech of the Minister of energy and the environmental protection of Ukraine Alexey Orzhel on the 25 - th Conference of the parties to the framework Convention on climate change (COP 25), which continues on 2 December in Madrid.

climate Change in Ukraine are already visible: there are heat waves, drought and extreme weather events. Order not fulfilled the gloomy predictions of scientists, according to the Minister, we need to act now.

Alex Orzel immediately stressed that Ukraine is experiencing very difficult times. For the sixth year opposed to the armed aggression of Russia: the Crimea and part of Donbass temporarily occupied, with the result that the living standards of people have decreased. In such circumstances, climate change is difficult to imagine a priority area.

"will Give you a few examples of events in Ukraine, which we have already implemented, - said the Minister. - In Ukraine established the energy efficiency Fund that provides financial support to households for implementation of measures on preservation of heat. Ukraine has raised the tax on CO2 for large companies and worked to establish comprehensive procedures for monitoring, reporting and verification for industry".

Alex Orgel also highlighted the development of renewable energy in Ukraine and stressed that this is only the beginning with reactions to climate change.

"We plan to reform the tax on CO2 emissions and to introduce its payment based on fossil fuels, to raise funds for additional activities to improve energy efficiency. We want to establish effective functioning of the state coal mines and develop only those that have prospects for development. And most importantly - the government plans to develop the concept of transition to green energy by 2050, which will be reflected in our updated nits next year", - said Alexey Orzhel.

However, to implement all of these plans want Ukraine partnership and cooperation.

"We strive to clarify the eligibility criteria for the Green climate Fund (GCF) as a country that can apply for funding," - said the Minister of energy and protect the environment.

Ukraine ranks 132nd in terms of GDP and is a country-recipient in the programs of the Global environment facility and the world Bank, but was excluded from the recipient countries in the framework of the FO.

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