Home / News / Ukraine / Minister Ariel presented to the staff of SE NNEGC "Energoatom" the new head
Home / News / Ukraine / Minister Ariel presented to the staff of SE NNEGC "Energoatom" the new head

Minister Ariel presented to the staff of SE NNEGC "Energoatom" the new head


on 4 December the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision that Paul Pavlishin will temporarily perform the duties of the President of GP NAEK "Energoatom".

Minister Ariel presented to the staff of SE NNEGC "Energoatom" the new head
Фото: Ровенская АЭС

the employees of the nuclear industry Ukraine introduced the new interim head of GP NAEK "Energoatom". the results sessionsx the government of the competition he was Paul Pavlishin, who replaced on this post of Yury Nedashkovsky. The new acting head of Energoatom was represented by the head of the Government Alexey Goncharuk, the Minister of energy and environmental protection Alexey Orzhel and his Deputy Vitaly Shubin.

"the Fact that you have a new leader, a potentially means that the working conditions of the nuclear industry will be better here and more and more young people will come", - stressed under the time of submission of the Minister of energy and environmental protection Alexey Orzhel.

He also added that "PAL Eremeevicha chose, with the effective performance of its work. We all know what the atom is the most important element of the modern Ukrainian power. For us among the priorities is the effective work Energoatom", - said Alexey Orzhel.

"in Any case not says about stop the industry, about stopping development, that he is a very professional squad, who now works at Energoatom questioned," - said the Minister.

In turn, Paul Pavlishin has promised to improve the work of Energoatom and the nuclear industry to bring high performance. Today, NNEGC "Energoatom" is a strategic energy company of Ukraine, and provides around 55% of the country's needs in electricity. Further development of nuclear power generation envisaged in the Programme of activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 29.09.2019 No. 849.

we will Remind, on December 4 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a decision that Paul Pavlishin will temporarily perform the duties of the President of GP NAEK "Energoatom". Before his appointment, he was General Director of separate subdivision "Rivne nuclear power plant". In the structure of nuclear energy Paul Pavlishin has been operating for 25 years.

Earlier it was reported that the ex-President of NNEGC Energoatom Yuriy Nedashkovsky has addressed in District administrative court of Kiev with the request to cancel the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers to dismiss him from the post of President of state-owned enterprises. Among other things, it requested to prohibit the government and the Ministry to make a decision, to declare and conduct a competitive selection of head for the position of President of NNEGC Energoatom.

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