Home / News / Ukraine / Uz with EBRD assistance will repair the TRANS-European transport corridor
Home / News / Ukraine / Uz with EBRD assistance will repair the TRANS-European transport corridor

Uz with EBRD assistance will repair the TRANS-European transport corridor


To Finance infrastructure updates TRANS-European transport network (TEN-T) within Ukraine wydano $ 100 million.

Uz with EBRD assistance will repair the TRANS-European transport corridor

Ukrzaliznytsya and EBRD announces tender for the supply of materials to perform major repairs on TEN-T. the announcement of 23 December, published on the electronic platform for procurement, EBRD (platorm ECEPP).

the Tender will be held according to the rules of the EBRD. Participants can be residents of Ukraine and nonresidents. The results of the tender Ukrzaliznytsia plans to purchase the materials of the top structure of a way to restore the priority of railway lines, mainly in the corridors of the TRANS-European transport network (TEN-T) within Ukraine.

financing the purchase of materials for capital repair of ways will be implemented over the borrowed funds to the EBRD and 70 million US dollars through the mechanism of additional bonding part in position (LPN). All repairs to the stations will be carried out by Railways.

Now the transport corridors TEN-T transport around 80% of all transit cargo. Upgrading its infrastructure will reduce time of passage of cargoes through the territory of Ukraine and, consequently, will increase the financial revenues of the company.

in addition, up to 30 million US dollars Ukrzaliznytsya plans to invest in automation equipment and telecommunications. Supply and installation of equipment by an external contractor organizations. An invitation to participate in this tender will be published in early 2020.

Recall that in September 2019 between Rail Capital Markets PLC, JSC "Ukrzaliznytsya" and EBRD signed the framework agreement on attraction of credit funds of EBRD in the amount of 100 million U.S. dollars.

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