Dnieper metallurgical plant (DMP) by the end of may 2020 issued 239 556 tons of commercial steel products, having worked in the framework of operational objectives. This informs planning and economic management of the plant.
compared with the corresponding period last year, the actual production of steel products decreased by 2.7%, or 6 644 tons. For five months of the current year the commodity output amounted to 1 109 205 tons, an increase of 2.9%, or 33 085 tonnes under the results of January - may of 2019.
In may, on the Dnieper MK produced:
- sinter - 370481 t; the
- iron - 213 478 tons, including commodity - 6493 tonnes; the
- steel - 230 996 tons, including commodity - 173 070 tons; the
- rolled - 68 981 a ton.
Since the beginning of the year compared with the same period of 2019, the company DMK increased the production of agglomerate by 17.2% - up to 1 743 394 tons, and of cast iron by 0.6% to 1 340 000 tons. Steel production in January – may 2020 declined by 3.7% - up to 1 075 093 tons. Rolled products output increased by 4.5 percent to 327 802 tons.
In may, the plant shipped to customers 240 296 tons of commercial steel products, which is 3.1%, or 7314 tons more shipments planned for the month. Compared to may of last year, shipments decreased by 1.8%, or 4 490 tons.
Since the beginning of the year to consumers DMK shipped 1 112 621 tonne of steel products (+ 6.4%, or 67 336 tons in plan Jan - may). This is 2.3% less than in the corresponding period of 2019.
Public joint stock company "Dniprovskiy metallurgical plant" - one of the largest enterprises of mining and metallurgical complex of Ukraine, specializiruetsya on the production of iron, steel, rolled. The company was founded in 1889. The plant employs more than 9,000 people.