Home / Press Releases / Gaysky GOK will allocate 18 million rubles for medical examinations of employees
Home / Press Releases / Gaysky GOK will allocate 18 million rubles for medical examinations of employees

Gaysky GOK will allocate 18 million rubles for medical examinations of employees

Press Releases
Gaysky GOK will allocate 18 million rubles for medical examinations of employees

Gai (Orenburg region)

In 2019, about a thousand employees of auxiliary workshops and the processing plant of PJSC Gaysky GOK (an enterprise of the raw materials complex of UMMC) will undergo an in-depth medical examination, and another six thousand will undergo periodic medical examination. The plant will allocate about 18 million rubles for these purposes.

To check the state of health, the plant workers will not have to go to the regional hospital. All examinations will be carried out in a mobile clinic equipped with mobile complexes with a full set of equipment necessary for laboratory and functional diagnostics.

- This year, employees whose work experience is five years or more are subject to an in-depth medical examination. - says Valentina Lapteva, chief specialist of the social development bureau of the Gaiskiy GOK. “It is very important to identify possible occupational diseases at an early stage, to form risk groups and to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner in order to preserve the health of our employees as long as possible.

Currently, the mobile clinic is based in the Gornyak sanatorium. Diagnostics are carried out by ten doctors of narrow specialization (oncologist, allergist, occupational pathologist, etc.) from the Orenburg Regional Center for Occupational Pathology.

In the mobile clinic, employees of the Gaysky GOK undergo medical examinations using the most modern technologies. They undergo duplex scanning and X-ray of blood vessels and spine, cold test to assess the function of the nervous system, miners undergo spirometry, electromyography, pallesiometry, audiometry and much more.

Note that the workers of the main workshops of the plant (underground mine, open mine, mine construction department and concentration plant) in-depth medical examination took place over the past three years.

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