Home / Press Releases / Automation of the process of weighing vehicles and goods

Automation of the process of weighing vehicles and goods

Press Releases
Automation of the process of weighing vehicles and goods

Control over the production, storage or release of a certain category of products is carried out using the procedure for weighing it. Complete automation of weighing complexes|weighing system transport|automation of truck scales - services offered by Galaktika GRAVITY to interested customers. With the help of professionally installed equipment, you can carry out:

  1. Weighing in a remote format, the operator is in a special room, and the data is displayed on a PC screen.
  2. Long-term storage of information about the weighing after acceptance or release of products.
  3. Make video and photographic recording of the weighing procedure.

The weighing equipment function is equipped with its own memory unit or is connected to a server for information transfer. Such a control system can significantly reduce the time to complete the operation and eliminates the occurrence of disputes regarding the parameters of its implementation with counterparties.

Ordering and customer consultation

The vehicle weighing system is automated by Galaktika GRAVITY specialists at the request of the client (owner) after consultation. A preliminary study is carried out and a project is drawn up, which is discussed with the customer in terms of equipment and the final estimated cost.

All installation and commissioning works are carried out after the conclusion of a formal contract. Customers are guaranteed compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of all installation activities and quality. You can get acquainted with examples of commissioned facilities using the official website of the Galaxy GRAVITY.

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