Home / Press Releases / Air quality in Magnitogorsk has improved twice
Home / Press Releases / Air quality in Magnitogorsk has improved twice

Air quality in Magnitogorsk has improved twice

Press Releases
The level KEYES in the city of Magnitogorsk in the first nine months of the current year amounted to a 7.62, compared to 13.4 for the same period in 2017. These data were obtained from fixed monitoring stations for air quality belonging to Roshydromet and MMK (observing them is also underway on methods of Roshydromet).
the Sharp reduction of the complex index of atmospheric pollution contributed to the realization by the company of a number of environmental projects:
• Start in July this year, the new sinter plant No. 5 at a cost of 30 billion rubles. It is equipped with the latest environmental technologies, which have helped to reduce dust emissions, two times (2.1 thousand tons per year) sulfur dioxide – four times (by 3.5 thousand tonnes per year), benzpyrene – in 16 times.
• Construction of aspiration systems casting yards of blast furnaces №9, №10 and №1 in 2017-2018, with the launch of which dust emissions decreased in total by 1.14 tons per year.
• Reconstruction in 2017 seroulavlivajushchih plants of sintering, which allowed to increase the air cleaning efficiency up to 95%. The total investment in the project amounted to 3.5 billion rubles.
• the Implementation of a program to reduce dust and gas emissions of coke production in the environment, thanks to which in the first nine months of this year, managed to reduce the concentration of benzopyrene in the atmosphere of the city at 22%.
- Improvement of quality of atmospheric air in Magnitogorsk – the result of a major environmental activities that the company carries out systematically for many years – said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PJSC "MMK" Victor Rashnikov. – MMK confidently approaching achievement of the strategic goal: reduce the complex index of atmospheric pollution in Magnitogorsk to less than 5 units that is a part of our strategy, designed until 2025. Recall that the value of 5 units corresponds to the definition of "Clean city".
to Reach the planned index will allow the implementation of two key projects of the investment program MMK: construction of new coke oven battery №12, designed to replace five old units, which will contribute to a radical reduction of gross emissions into the atmosphere; as well as the construction of new blast furnace No. 11, which is expected to equip with modern systems of air purification. Environmental the company's projects included in the program "Clean air" national project "Ecology", implemented in accordance with the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
Earlier this year, Magnitogorsk was excluded from the list of cities with the most polluted air, noted in the report of the Ministry of natural resources and ecology of Russia. The study authors indicated that the results of 2018 the concentration of benzopyrene in the city has decreased more than twice.
the Cost of the Magnitogorsk metallurgical combine on the environmental work in the years 2000-2018 exceeded 58 billion. In the period up to 2025 the company intends to allocate for the relevant purposes even more than 38 billion rubles.
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