Home / Press Releases / Chelyabinsk branch will be able to heat the raw material compositions
Home / Press Releases / Chelyabinsk branch will be able to heat the raw material compositions

Chelyabinsk branch will be able to heat the raw material compositions

Press Releases
Chelyabinsk branch will be able to heat the raw material compositions

At the Chelyabinsk zinc plant (metallurgical complex of UMMC) has commissioned a new garage to defrost the frozen goods in bulk. The capacity of the object - 900 gondola cars during the winter, which greatly increases the performance for unloading.

"the Main problem in winter is that due to the natural moisture of the concentrate freezes, sticks to the floor and sides of the cars, and unloading becomes very difficult – says the head of the transport Department, Dmitry Vasilchenko. The new premises will allow us to avoid it".

overall dimensions are 60 by 6 meters height – 10 meters. Capacity – 4 cars. As fuel for thawing natural gas is used, which is applied to four of the heater. The new slate works on the convection method of heating – the air is first heated, and then by special nozzles directed into the railroad cars. The entire process is automated and controlled from the control room. Heating the lower zone of the gondolas can reach 55oS.

"Use of this facility is obvious in connection with the increasing production volumes increased volume of incoming bulk cargoes, and the capacity of the new premises will allow us to avoid downtime in winter", – said the Director of the Chelyabinsk zinc plant Paul Isbright.

construction of a new manufacturing facility was started in may 2019. The cost of the project amounted to about 90 million.

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