Home / Press Releases / Gaiskiy GOK launched a new cleaning system
Home / Press Releases / Gaiskiy GOK launched a new cleaning system

Gaiskiy GOK launched a new cleaning system

Press Releases
Gaiskiy GOK launched a new cleaning system

Gai (Orenburg oblast)

In the reagent compartment processing factory of JSC "Gaisky GOK" (enterprise resource complex of UMMC) in the framework of technical re-equipment put into operation a new air handling exchange ventilation, designed for year-round removal of harmful substances from the reactants dissolving and excessive heat in summer.

– With increasing ore processing volumes, increased the number of prepared reagents for the extraction of concentrates, – says the head of the concentrator Dmitry Semenov. – In order to reduce the impact of harmful factors on the health of workers and the environment, the leadership of the GOK, it was decided to replace the air cleaning system. The main result that we already obtained from the introduction of new equipment is 99% effective, which is confirmed by measurements of the sanitary-industrial laboratory.

New cleaning system includes a forced ventilation, which delivers air to the working areas, and in the cold season, this air is further heated; exhaust ventilation that removes contaminated air at all stages of production and storage of reagents; and aspiration, where the exhaust air is cleaned from harmful impurities and is displayed outside the reagent compartment.

According to experts, in the cleaning system, there are seven supply and exhaust fan 22, is adjusted so that the volume of incoming and exhaust air was always the same.

the Aspiration system consists of two bag filter KFE and five Gazpromipoteka Maximov.

the Management of the new ventilation and aspiration equipment and its diagnosis is carried out in automatic mode with the small amount of time.

– Draft ventilation and aspiration system was developed by JSC "uralmekhanobr" taking into account the specifics of our production, the quantity of the cooking reagent for the extraction of concentrate. Installation of the equipment led both the Contracting organization and the specialists of our power services, – says Dmitry Semenov. They have done a huge: removed old equipment, connect temporary schemes, new equipment integrated into a common system, had to be carried out without stopping the production process. Alone air pipes with diameter from 300 to 1000 mm were installed more than 2000 meters. In addition, the pipelines of compressed air, industrial water, cable, electric control cabinets and much more. Most importantly, we got a positive result – the effectiveness of the new oborudovaniya.

For the purchase of new equipment system cleaning Gaisky GOK has allocated 22 million rubles.

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