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Home / Press Releases / Uralmekhanobr mastered designing with BIM technology

Uralmekhanobr mastered designing with BIM technology

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Uralmekhanobr mastered designing with BIM technology

JSC "uralmekhanobr" (scientific-research and design Institute UMMC), is developing the design of industrial and civil objects with the use of BIM (information modelling of buildings and structures). Their use allows to simulate the building and to assemble all its elements. Automating the process reduces the preparation time of documentation, it increases its quality.br>

- Information modeling of buildings using a complex of programs allows you to make better decisions and boosts productivity throughout the life cycle of the project, - explained Deputy chief engineer for electrical, instrumentation and automation JSC "uralmekhanobr" Andrey Dementyev. Is the main difference between BIM from traditional building design, which is largely based on two-dimensional technical drawings.

One of the advantages of information modeling is the highest level of detail of the project. Technology provides transparency of the processes associated with the design, construction and future operation of the facility. In the system you can enter the data that will be needed during the entire existence of the project, whether prepared drawings, specifications of equipment and materials, terms of operation, repair and demolition of the object. Practice has shown that the use of BIM-technology allows to reduce financial costs during project implementation from 10 to 30%.

- Thanks to a BIM-programs in automatic mode to detect any, even the most minor issues at the design stage of the facility - said a leading expert on CAD of Department of information support and communications of OAO "uralmekhanobr" Valery Merkulov. Professionals involved in the process, see colleagues, make changes, take note of them to consider the impact on the parameters of its area of responsibility. As a result, unforeseen costs to the customer are minimized.

For the development of projects with BIM technology specialists "Uralmekhanobr" annually appropriate training and professional development in this area.

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