Home / Press Releases / "KRU" is building digital plans
Home / Press Releases / "KRU" is building digital plans

"KRU" is building digital plans

Press Releases
"KRU" is building digital plans

JSC "UK "Kuzbassrazrezugol" (enterprise resource complex UMMC) until the end of 2020 is planning to establish three-dimensional geological model of bachatskiy and Taldinskaya coal mines. The work is part of a program of digitization of the mining industry.

3D models of branches of the Company are formed with the help of special software on the basis of data exploration and will become a platform for creating digital doubles of enterprises. A virtual copy of the coal enterprises will contain complete information about all aspects of activities and to more effectively design, plan, analyze, manufacturing and control, which in turn contributes to increased safety of mining operations and reduce the impact on the environment.

the criminal code "KRU" is not the first year experiences and implements for the production of innovative products and digital technologies, including the use of artificial intelligence. The company has successfully tested and adopted a system for the positioning of drilling rigs, ground-penetrating radar for remote monitoring of slope stability of the sides and dump sections, dams and hydraulic structures, develops a common network control centers, considering issues of implementation at mining industry robotic systems.

"All the digital innovations and technologies that we implement, is aimed primarily at improving the safety, - said the Deputy Director – technical Director of UK Kuzbassrazrezugol Stanislav Matvei. – The creation of a multifunctional security system, including remote monitoring at hazardous production facilities is one of the key tasks. We understand that the future of digital technologies, so the Company keeps up with the times."

In the long term in UK Kuzbassrazrezugol plans to create a three-dimensional digital counterparts of all branches-sections.

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