Home / Press Releases / The overhaul of the shaft furnace has been completed at the Polymetals Plant
Home / Press Releases / The overhaul of the shaft furnace has been completed at the Polymetals Plant

The overhaul of the shaft furnace has been completed at the Polymetals Plant

Press Releases
The overhaul of the shaft furnace has been completed at the Polymetals Plant

Kirovgrad (Sverdlovsk region)

In the branch "Production of polymetals" (PPM) JSC "Uralelectromed" (an enterprise of the metallurgical complex of UMMC), the overhaul of shaft furnace No. 1 was completed four days ahead of schedule, the total period of work was 26 days. This result was achieved through the implementation of a program of scheduled repairs. Departments of the chief mechanic, chief power engineer, production, technical and design departments worked on the preparation of the program documentation.

According to Andrey Petunin, deputy head of the metallurgical workshop for the production of PPM, repairs were reduced due to a change in the charge task, which involved reducing the furnace load during the period of preparation for repair. As a result, it was possible in a short time to reduce the build-up of deposits in the inner and outer furnaces and to shorten the dismantling period.

The shaft furnace repair is rightfully considered one of the largest at the enterprise. The stove, the size of a nine-story house, was dismantled to the ground. The metal structures of the outer and inner hearths, mine caissons, top hatch, dust cover, gas ducts were subject to replacement. The list of repairs included replacement of equipment for the evaporative cooling unit of the shaft furnace and thermal insulation of pipelines. The total volume of all costs of the current repair exceeded 47 million rubles.

Workers of the metallurgical workshop, instrumentation and automation and the centralized equipment repair workshop took part in the scheduled repairs. The removal of the dismantled parts of the furnace and the delivery of new ones were carried out by the road transport and railway workshops.

After the completion of the repair of the shaft furnace number one, the PPM specialists began preparatory work for the overhaul of the next metallurgical unit - shaft furnace number 2.

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