Home / Press Releases / The combined heat and power plant of Ural Steel celebrates 70 years of uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat
Home / Press Releases / The combined heat and power plant of Ural Steel celebrates 70 years of uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat

The combined heat and power plant of Ural Steel celebrates 70 years of uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat

Press Releases

Ural Steel (part of Metalloinvest) celebrated the anniversary of one of the most important subsidiary divisions of the plant - the combined heat and power plant. The CHPP has been supplying the enterprise and residential areas of Novotroitsk with electricity, steam and hot water without interruption for 70 years.

In honor of the significant date, 60 specialists and 10 veterans of the CHPP were awarded certificates of honor and a prize for their contribution to the development of the combined heat and power plant.

The CHPP operates on the principle of a utilization station using coke oven and blast furnace gas of the plant. Since 1950, more than 76 million MW of energy have been generated here. During the heating season, almost half of the heat generated by the CHPP goes to the needs of the townspeople. The CHPP is a source of steam for the technological process of the main divisions of the plant, compressed air for blast furnaces, chemically purified water for installations of secondary energy resources. Own energy capacities allow the plant to effectively use the available fuel and energy resources and ensure the independence of the enterprise in this area.

“The energy sector of the Ural Steel Works is a huge system with kilometers of electric and heating networks, dozens of substations, generating devices and sources of various types of energy resources. Ensuring their stable operation of supplying the production facilities of the plant with electricity, steam and hot water is a responsible task for the personnel of the CHPP numbering only 230 people, '' says Sergei Churilov, head of the CHPP of Ural Steel. - Urgent tasks are also the organization of accounting and energy saving, process automation and reconstruction of generating units. "

Metalloinvest's large-scale CHP modernization project is an important part of the comprehensive development program for Ural Steel. Over the past 10 years, it has reconstructed the feed pipelines of the medium-pressure units of both boilers, renewed the main steam pipelines of the main high-pressure boilers, replaced the main steam pipelines of the communication collectors, as well as the VKV-22 steam turbine with a Siemens SST-600 turbine. Last year, the first stage of reconstruction of the chemical water treatment plant No. 3 was completed.

Today the CHPP is preparing to launch new medium-pressure boilers with high efficiency. The installation of equipment is almost complete, some of the units are undergoing hydraulic tests. Their launch will increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise, reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce equipment maintenance costs.

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