Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest presented its view on the present and the future of the mining and metallurgical industry
Home / Press Releases / Metalloinvest presented its view on the present and the future of the mining and metallurgical industry

Metalloinvest presented its view on the present and the future of the mining and metallurgical industry

Press Releases

Metalloinvest, a leading manufacturer and supplier of iron ore products and hot briquetted iron in the world market, one of the regional producers of high-quality steel, presented its vision of the future of the metallurgical and mining industry at the 25th International Summit “Metals and Mining Russia and the CIS ", organized by the Adam Smith Institute (UK).

The summit was attended by experts and representatives of large companies from 18 countries of the world, including Evraz, Severstal, NLMK, Rusal, Norilsk Nickel, London Metals Exchange, JFE Steel and others.

During the conference, speakers discussed the current state and the most likely scenarios for the development of the metallurgical and mining industries under the influence of global economic trends and government regulation. Also, representatives of the companies shared their experience of introducing green technologies into ferrous metallurgy.

“In the long term, the structure of demand for metallurgical raw materials will increasingly be determined by the requirements for quality and the carbon footprint of products,” said Nazim Efendiyev, CEO of MC Metalloinvest. - The use of hot briquetted iron in electric furnaces significantly improves the environmental friendliness of the entire production chain and is the answer to this challenge. A strategic decision was made to build a new HBI plant in the Kursk region. Already now, this HBI module is supposed to take into account its subsequent operation on a carbon-free reducing agent - hydrogen, and it will also be possible to continue the production chain with the prospective construction of an electric steel-smelting processing ”.

In his speech, Yuri Gavrilov, Director for Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions, Metalloinvest Management Company, also emphasized that one of the global trends in the development of the steel market is decarbonization - reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere in the production of steel products through the introduction of "Green technologies".

“Metalloinvest pays serious attention to reducing the burden on the environment, including reducing carbon emissions by modernizing production and introducing the most advanced low-carbon technologies,” said Yuri Gavrilov. “Our goal is to maximize the use of low-carbon technologies in the recovery process. Metalloinvest is currently the only integrated producer of high-quality steel in Russia with the lowest CO2 emissions thanks to its existing DRI production facilities at the Oskol Combine and HBI at Lebedinsky GOK. Metalloinvest is currently developing a climate strategy to effectively reduce the carbon footprint of its products. "

In 2019, Metalloinvest joined the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative in the field of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

In 2019, the Company became one of the first companies in Russia to sign an agreement on “green financing”. ING Bank opened a credit line for Metalloinvest for up to USD 100 million.

In 2020, Metalloinvest approved the Environmental Program for 2020-2025. The program aims to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions from pellet production; when enriching iron ores; water consumption from surface sources, volumes of formation and disposal of technological waste.

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