Home / Press Releases / Severstal announces the results of its work under the national project "Ecology" for three years
Home / Press Releases / Severstal announces the results of its work under the national project "Ecology" for three years

Severstal announces the results of its work under the national project "Ecology" for three years

Press Releases

PJSC Severstal, one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and mining companies, reports on the results of its work within the framework of the national project "Ecology" for three years.

According to the CEO of Severstal, Alexander Shevelev, within the framework of the project by 2025 in Cherepovets, where the largest asset of the company Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant is located, the goal is to ensure a cardinal reduction in the level of air pollution by at least 20% of the total volume of emissions in 2017. Previously, within the framework of the project, Severstal planned to reduce emissions by 10.2%, but in 2020 the target to reduce emissions was increased taking into account the importance of the topic and the company's commitment to social responsibility. “In 2020, we signed a corresponding 4-way agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor and the Government of the Vologda Region. In accordance with the proposed adjustments, the company undertook to implement 16 activities with a total cost of RUB 10.5 billion. and by 2025, reduce emissions by 66.8 thousand tons (22.5% of the 2017 level). One of these activities is being implemented at our iron ore asset - Karelsky Okatysh, the rest in Cherepovets. Due to the activities of the Clean Air FP since the beginning of their implementation, we have already reduced emissions by more than 12%, this is almost 36 thousand tons, having allocated 6.8 billion rubles for this, "said Alexander Shevelev.

In the future, until 2024, CherMK plans to complete 3 more events in metallurgical production, the largest of which is aimed at reducing emissions from sintering machines No. 10 and 11.

As noted by Alexander Shevelev, work to reduce the environmental load is not only a factor in improving quality life in Cherepovets, but also an impetus to its development. To a large extent, thanks to the efforts of the company, within the framework of federal programs, the city receives more environmentally friendly buses running on gas engine fuel, a large program is planned to replace the tram fleet and reconstruct tracks.

the focus of the company's work remains issues of bringing the quality of wastewater to donor standards, as well as reducing the amount of waste disposed and increasing waste recycling.

“We are one of the leaders in metallurgy industry of Russia in part of production waste processing. At the same time, we see the potential for improving this indicator, we strive for the level of world practices - 98.5%. In order to reduce the amount of waste placed, the Midstream project center was created, in the focus of which is the minimization of the formation of difficult to dispose of waste and the maximum extraction of the placed waste to ensure leadership in the field of waste processing. We are also looking for the best innovations in the application and processing of by-products and waste products from metallurgical production, we actively use the Skolkovodl technology competition platform for solving problems, ”comments Alexander Shevelev.

Since 2020, a set of measures for wastewater treatment No. 3 has been launched at the Cherepovets site. up to standards. A team of experts has done a lot of work to find the best technical solutions for this task. Thanks to the work done, the total amount of investments that will be directed to the implementation of the project will amount to 3.8 billion rubles, while the investment plan for 2021 included 3 activities with a total cost of 883 million rubles.

“At the same time, the program to reduce the mass of pollutants will be implemented and in our resource assets - Vorkutaugol, Karelskyokatysh, Yakovlevsky GOK, ”explained Alexander Shevelev.

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