Home / Press Releases / MMK's refurbished 2500 hot rolling mill reaches record production figures

MMK's refurbished 2500 hot rolling mill reaches record production figures

Press Releases
The last time the 2500 mill crossed the mark of 1 million tonnes of hot rolled steel was in three months of operation in 2008, and the result obtained in the first quarter has not been achieved since 1991. A significant increase in the performance of the unit, which celebrated its 60th anniversary in December last year, was largely made possible by the comprehensive reconstruction completed in 2020. The completely modernized hot rolling mill 2500 at PJSC MMK is today one of the most modern and highly productive in the world.

Large-scale reconstruction of Mill 2500 at Rolling Shop No. 4 allowed expanding the size and grade of the mill. The quality of the products has significantly improved, and the production capacity of the unit has increased to 5.2 million tons of rolled metal per year. Today it is a highly automated unit whose products meet the highest international standards. The demand for the mill's products is confirmed by the systematic increase in the utilization of its capacities. In November last year, thanks to the reconstruction of the hot rolling mill 2500, PJSC MMK was recognized as a laureate of the prize "The main event of 2020 in the metallurgy of Russia".

Information and Public Relations Department of PJSC MMK

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