Home / Press Releases / Severstal announced the launch of the Museums of the Russian North charitable program
Home / Press Releases / Severstal announced the launch of the Museums of the Russian North charitable program

Severstal announced the launch of the Museums of the Russian North charitable program

Press Releases

PJSC Severstal announced the start of the charitable grant program "Museums of the Russian North" -2021 and held an educational online intensive "Socio-cultural design - a resource for museum development" on April 22-24. The program is also implemented with the support of the Sveza company and a travel company TUI Russia (part of the Severgroup).

The "Museums of the Russian North" program is carried out with the aim of promoting sustainable development of the northern regions by supporting new directions and forms of museum work. The program is focused on updating the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian North, identifying the best project initiatives of regional museums, improving the professional skills of museum workers. The program is being implemented in 12 regions: the republics of Karelia and Komi, Perm Krai, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Kostroma, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod and Pskov regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

This year the program is built on three key components : an online educational intensive, grants for distance learning and the XII grant competition for museum projects, which will take place in the fall of 2021. To increase the grant fund of the project competition, Severstal allocated an additional five million rubles. The grant competition for museum projects of the program will be held in two stages: a competition of project ideas, with the possibility of obtaining expert advice on their finalization, and a grant competition, within the framework of which the winners will receive funding for the implementation of their socio-cultural projects. On May 1, accepting applications for the competition of project ideas starts. The position of the competition and the application form are available on the website of the charitable program "Museums of the Russian North" www.museums.severstal.com

The three-day online intensive "Socio-cultural design - resource development of the museum" was held with the support of the company "Sveza", organized by the Development Center museums of small towns and villages "Lotsiya" and "Totem Museum Association" from the city of Totma, Vologda region. The Center for the Development of Charity and Social Activity "Blagosfera" became a technical partner.

The intensive was held with the aim of raising the level of the project culture of the participants, providing an opportunity for dialogue and exchange of experience, acquainting with new methods of presenting museum material, presenting and analyzing modern trends in museology and successful examples of the implementation of socio-cultural projects of museums. Participants listened to speeches on the most diverse aspects of museum activities: exhibition, marketing, educational and even scientific and stock. The questions touched upon were primarily interesting to the builders of small towns and villages. The event combined theoretical training and practical work in small groups led by supervisors: 17 hours of intensive work, nine sessions and four workshops. Every day was intensively ended with summing up - public messages from the representatives of the teams about the work on the tasks. A total of 114 applications were submitted, of which 68 participants were selected - museum employees from 12 northern regions. To accompany the intensive, a special mobile application was launched, in which participants could get to know each other and experts, and do homework. This helped them get the most out of the event. Three of the most active participants in the event received a ticket to our all-Russian School of Museum Development in Totma as a reward.

In her closing remarks, Natalya Poppel, Advisor to the General Director for Sustainable Development of Severstal, said: “We hope that the knowledge gained by the participants of the educational intensive will be used for attribution of subsequent applications for the competition, including in the category "Tourism", which today is a significant tool for the development of territories. Today, it is important for all to build partnerships and constantly monitor changes, transform and find new opportunities for development. ”

Operator of the charitable program“ Museums of the Russian North ”of the Severstal company - the“ Trajectory ”fund for support of scientific, educational and cultural initiatives with the participation of the project team of the GratRaftig Social Innovation Management Center.

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