Home / Press Releases / Severstal signed a cooperation agreement with the Darwin State Reserve to study rare birds living on the territory of CherMK
Home / Press Releases / Severstal signed a cooperation agreement with the Darwin State Reserve to study rare birds living on the territory of CherMK

Severstal signed a cooperation agreement with the Darwin State Reserve to study rare birds living on the territory of CherMK

Press Releases

PJSC Severstal (one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and mining companies) signed a cooperation agreement with the Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve. It is located in the region of presence of the largest asset of the company - Cherepovetskogometallurgichesky kombinat (CherMK) - in the Vologda region.

The document establishes a set of research works on the study of the ornithofauna and its seasonal variability in the territory of the enterprise and adjacent to it. In particular, the study will concern birds of prey such as the white-tailed eagle and osprey, as well as semi-aquatic and waterfowl. Scientists have to determine the reasons for the presence of birds in the artificial water bodies of CherMK, which are part of the water circulation cycle of the enterprise.

As part of the agreement, scientists will assess the ecological conditions of their habitat, identify the range of impact factors, features and relationships of ecosystems affecting the population, and also determine the species composition , abundance, biotopic distribution and phenology of birds.

At the expense of funding the research project, scientists will carry out photo and video recording, set up camera traps, and conduct observations using a quadrocopter during the formation of migration clusters. The scientists will inform the environmentalists of Severstal on a monthly basis. The final report will be prepared in 2022 based on the results of the research work performed.

The General Director of the Severstal Russian Steel Division, Vadim Germanov, noted that cooperation with environmental organizations is part of the company's environmental policy and openness, and the agreement with the reserve was signed with a view to support and conservation of biological diversity of rare bird species.

"Cooperation for the future of the eagles of the Russian North." This is what the representatives of the Darwin Reserve called the signing of the agreement. It will concern the study of rare birds living on the territory of the plant - osprey and white-tailed eagle. The colleagues will have to determine the reasons for their presence at our artificial water bodies - ash and sludge ponds. Osprey and white-tailed eagle have been flying to us for about 10 years, and these birds are unique biological indicators, since they are more demanding to their habitat than anyone else. Our company decided to help ornithologists in research and conservation of Red Book birds. This year, we also signed an agreement for monitoring biodiversity in the Costa River with the Institute of Inland Water Biology named after Papanin RAS (Borok). Thus, this is immediately two of our joint projects with scientists in the Vologda region, "he said.

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