Happy Metallurgist Day! Press Releases 17 July 2019, 02:00 617 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 ВКонтактеОдноклассникиFacebookTwitterМой МирLiveJournal mocart Independent journalist. Specially for Metallurgprom More news and analytics on Metallurgprom telegram channel - subscribe to get up-to-date market information and price forecasts faster than others. НавигацияPreviousSeverstal signed a cooperation agreement with the Darwin State Reserve to study rare birds living on the territory of CherMKNextDAY OF METALLURGY-2019 Сomments Добавить комментарий Комментарии (0) To comment Send On this topic TMK took part in Steel Safety Day-2019 "Severstal" together with the Fund "SKOLKOVO" 11 Mar held Open Day accelerator NLMK Group to hold Strategy Day UiPath honored MMK's achievements in RPA software robotics TMK took part in the Russian Steel congress dedicated to labor protection, industrial safety and The company TMK-INOX, a celebrated 10-year anniversary