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Products of the company "Advanta-M Rostov"

By contacting the company's specialists on the website, you can place an order as quickly and simply as possible....

Crane installation for an industrial complex

Load lifting equipment can be successfully operated both indoors and outdoors....

Enameling of gas surfaces on the site "Ventolux"

The enamelled cooking surface is becoming very popular. Such surfaces are breathed in by mechanical strength, comfort and modern look....

The symbiotic relationship between office design and productivity

Rethink your office design! It may seem unexpected, but the relationship between office design and productivity is a symbiosis that can greatly...

Compressor equipment from KV-Energy

Qualified specialists of KV-Energy will carry out all the necessary calculations based on the data provided and select the best type of equipment for...

Forged mills in inter'єrі


Online store of bags and packages WellPacks

Before the logo on the packages, you can achieve such goals as promoting brand awareness, increasing sales, informing about new promotions and...

Hotmelt machines and systems

The equipment includes melters of various capacities, flexible heated hoses and glue heads of our own production....

Launch scanner for trucks

In the diagnostic segment, an important factor is the use of highly professional devices. A trouble-free alternative for effective diagnostic...

Sprinkler Types to Consider for Your Areas

How sprinkler systems work. What to look for....

Classification of pipeline fittings


Range of packaging equipment

The cost of such equipment depends on a number of factors, among which one can single out the type, purpose, and equipment....

Spray guns with built-in pressure sensor

Brush guns have the widest application in various fields where it is necessary to paint surfaces - both simple and artistic. Manufacturers offer a...

Gas heating. Is it worth it?

In most cases, gas heating is suitable for private houses, where it is possible to create a separate boiler room....

Pressure polymer pipes

The diameter of pipes produced by the industry, as well as the wall thickness, can vary over a very wide range....

4 Post Car Service Lift: Key Benefits

In terms of design, a four-post car lift is a large structure. It is equipped with a movable platform that rises up four supports (columns)....

Improving the efficiency of a non-new starter battery

The main reason is one, improper daily operation under the hood of a vehicle...

The main areas of operation of the belt conveyor

The conveyor was originally designed to move a variety of goods both indoors and outdoors...

Tire fitting equipment at Shining Berg website

Equipment of this type is an integral part of any car service station and tire shops....

Catalytic converter: why is it needed and how can you make money on it?

Nitric oxide and CO molecules are extracted from the exhaust gases through chemical reactions. As a result, safer compounds enriched with oxygen come...

Employment through an HR agency pluses for the employer

Finding the right employee today can be quite a challenge - many employers have already learned about it. If just a few years ago, workers were very...

Butt Weld Ball Valves Optimum Series


Maintenance and scheduled repairs of electrical substations

Modern electrical equipment used to complete substations is distinguished by quality and reliability....

How to return the money stolen by a broker?

The procedure is quite complicated and has a lot of underwater bureaucratic stones. It is rather difficult for a simple user to launch it on his own...

History of machine building


30 years with you!


Independent expertise of construction works

The data obtained during the examination can be used in court if it is impossible to resolve the dispute with the developer....

Tanks for storage of gas and oil products

Tanks can be used not only to store combustible materials, but also ordinary water for technical needs....

Metal supports for pipelines

The main purpose of a pipeline support is to securely fix its specific section in a given position, regardless of the external and internal loads...

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