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Where to order a selling text on a website in 2020

Digest / Science and technology
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The Internet has recently become an indispensable means of communication, not only in business, but also in personal life. And despite the fact that various network gurus claim that infographics are the future, text content is extremely important for search engine promotion and accurate niche hit.

Where to order a selling text on a website in 2020

The real situation in the world has shown that the presence of a well-developed Internet platform for promoting your business several times increases its protection from many troubles associated with restricting activities. You can and should sell things and services through your own website or social network. In this case, physical restrictions on the company's activities will not be a reason for bankruptcy during the pandemic.

High-quality text is the key to customer success

It is difficult to independently compose a selling description of a product or service if you do not have a lot of practical experience behind it. In addition, writing a test takes a lot of time, which can be better spent on business development. A reasonable solution in this case would be to entrust the task to an experienced copywriter. By entrusting the writing of the text to a professional, the customer can count on the following advantages:

  • competent implementation of keywords for search engines;
  • an attractive description of a service or product;
  • no mistakes that can scare away the buyer;
  • structured text that's nice to read;
  • having important information that answers key buyer's questions.

Even these five points are enough to make the right decision and stop wasting time on your own writing texts for a website or social network.

Photography is not enough

The presence of bright photos on the page allows you to attract the attention of a potential client. But, only the text can physically make you feel the benefits of the future possession of the product. Anticipate the pleasant sensations of the service. Want to book a ticket to an exotic country, or book a table in a restaurant. The magical effect of the text extends to all organs of human touch. The b-text.ru exchange has brought together many talented copywriters under one roof, ready to start writing text of any complexity. Help make an intense leap forward to leave competitors far behind.

Write the text yourself, or entrust a copywriter?

There is one famous proverb: "If you want to do something well, do it yourself!" She's right, but only partially. It is impossible to do everything on your own and hope for the rapid development of your own business. In addition, in order to master a new skill, you need to spend a lot of time on training and practice. You can get a high-quality text adapted for search engines for your site, you just need to contact professional copywriters on the exchange for help b-text.ru .

How difficult is it to order the text?

Everything is much simpler than imagination makes it possible. It is not necessary to have a literary talent to submit an application for writing a text. You specially came to the exchange, as you need the help of specialists. Write your wishes regarding the text in your own words. For hints, you can use the following algorithm:

  1. The number of characters depends on the theme and the possibility of posting the finished work on the website page or on a social network. As practice shows, the optimal size varies between 1500-3000 characters.
  2. Select the keywords necessary for search engines to find your product or service to potential customers.
  3. The uniqueness of the text must be at least 90%. Otherwise, all major search engines will ignore plagiarism.
  4. Service cost. Experienced copywriters will not take a job if the offered price tag does not match their level. We recommend that you indicate the cost from 50 to 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  5. Specify the deadline for completing the work. Do not set too narrow a time frame, 2-3 days is enough for writing.

Verification and Payment

The stock exchange b-text.ru is automatically checked for plagiarism! This is a big plus, since you do not have to search for verification services yourself, register for them, and wait for the text to be verified. But, opening the file with the finished work, reading it and making sure that the basic requirements are met is worth it. Only after that you can safely accept the job and pay for it.

Catalog of ready-made texts

It is not necessary to prepare a technical assignment for a copywriter, choose an artist, and wait a few days for the finished result. Much easier and more effective buy ready-made text on the exchange b -text.ru. The main advantage of choosing a ready-made article is time saving. And this is the most important resource in our rapidly developing age.

5 reasons to choose ready-made content

  1. The purchase is completed within a few minutes.
  2. The article completely goes into
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