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Features of membrane compressors: operating principle and application


In this article we will look at the operating principles of membrane compressors, their main applications and the benefits they provide in various industrial applications.

Features of membrane compressors: operating principle and application

Membrane compressors are unique devices that provide a high degree of compression of gases and vapors without the risk of contamination. Due to their design features, such compressors are widely used in various industries, where gas purity and operational reliability play a key role.

Operating principle of membrane compressors

The operating principle of membrane compressors is based on the movement of the membrane , creating pressure in the working chamber. The membrane, usually made of a flexible material, is the main element that separates the compressed gas from the moving parts of the compressor. This ensures tightness and eliminates the possibility of contamination of the compressed gas.

Key design elements of membrane compressors:

  1. Membrane - acts as a separator between gas and mechanical parts compressor.
  2. Working chamber – the area in which gas is compressed under pressure.
  3. Drive mechanism – ensures the movement of the membrane, creating a pressure difference.

Application Howden membrane compressors allows you to achieve a high degree of gas purity, which is especially important in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Unlike other types of compressors, membrane devices eliminate gas contact with mechanical parts, which minimizes the risk of contamination. In addition, diaphragm compressors have low noise and vibration levels, making them suitable for use in environments that require strict safety and environmental standards.

Application of diaphragm compressors

Membrane compressors are found applications in various industries due to their unique ability to provide purity and high pressure compressed gas. These devices are especially in demand in situations where absolute tightness and exclusion of gas contact with the external environment are required.

Main areas of application of membrane compressors:

  1. Mining industry – compression and transportation of gas to ensure the operation of equipment and ventilation systems in mines and quarries.
  2. Oil and gas industry – use for pumping and compression of natural gas and other hydrocarbons.
  3. Chemical and pharmaceutical industries – compression of aggressive and clean gases for further use in production processes.
  4. Medical technology – provision of compressed air and medical gases with a high degree of purity.
  5. Food and beverage production - use in the process of packaging and storage of products.

Due to its design, membrane compressors guarantee safety and reliability in operation, which makes them indispensable in conditions where gas leaks or contamination are unacceptable. These compressors also have low operating costs, which reduces overall maintenance and repair costs.


Membrane compressors are an important element in processes requiring high degree of purity and reliability of compressed gas. Their unique design and operating principle allow them to be used in a wide variety of industries, from the oil and gas and chemical industries to medical technology. If you are looking for a reliable solution for compressing gases with minimal risks of contamination, it is recommended to purchase Howden compressors (https://alpha-safety.kz/services/sistemy-shakhtnoy-ventilyatsii/kompressory-howden/) to ensure stable and safe operation of your systems.

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