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Dielectric sleeve М10

Dielectric sleeve М10

The general gasification caused by such factors as high energy prices, the growth of housing (including individual) construction, and the simplicity and ease of use of natural gas, causes a very high demand for:

  1. Boiler gas equipment.
  2. Pipes, shut-off valves for gas lines.
  3. Accessories for installation and connection of gas pipeline systems.

It should be remembered that all of the above is subject to mandatory certification and must meet fire safety requirements. According to these parameters, it would seem that such a trifling part as a dielectric sleeve is produced, which is used to connect a gas pipeline with shut-off valves (an individual gas flow shut-off valve). It is these bushings , made of ABS plastic, answer:

  • Impact and hardness requirements.
  • Necessary parameters of expansion (contraction) at temperature differences.

But the most important thing is their dielectric properties. The material from which the bushings are made is able to completely withstand the stray currents arising during the operation of gas equipment and restrict their movement in the place of their direct installation.

Dimensional parameters

As an example, consider the M10 bushing, which is most demanded by gas workers. The product is designed for loads up to 1.2 MPa with resistance to current effects up to 5 MΩ. Manufacturers, due to the proven manufacturing technology and the use of exclusively high-quality materials, provide a 20-year warranty for the bushings. Here are its dimensional parameters:

  • Internal diameter for M10 bolt (in tightness) - 10.3 mm.
  • Outside diameter for washer - 30 mm.
  • Diameter for flange connection - 14 mm.
  • Overall length - 20 mm.

You can get more complete information, as well as order dielectric bushings M10 and other sizes, using the official website of the company that supplies them directly from manufacturers. The bushings presented in the resource catalog correspond to the dimensional and quality parameters.

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