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Home / Publications / Digest / Вентиляция

Multi-split systems MDV

Multi-split systems are based on the principle of basic household air conditioners....

Installation of air conditioners: cassette, duct, industrial - installation stages

This material collects and structures useful information regarding the installation of cassette, duct and industrial air conditioners. The nuances...

Ventilation in an apartment: necessity, advantages and implementation

Indoor air quality directly affects people's health....

Aluminum tape for ventilation

Aluminum ventilation tape is used in a wide variety of areas...

Kitchen hood

When choosing a model, you should consider the performance of the hood...

Air conditioning - insulation, ventilation, cooling and heating of rooms in one device

There are several types of air conditioners, including window, wall, mobile and cassette systems....

Column split systems

How do column-type split systems work...

Ordering copper pipes for air conditioners

When installing a split system, you need to pay special attention to the pipes....

Wall and duct smoke exhaust valves

Devices are selected taking into account the dimensional parameters of the installation location....

Serially produced air ducts from the manufacturer

Equipment is tested at factory benches and certified in independent accredited laboratories...

Fume hoods from the company "Sovlat"

The main function of the fume hood is to remove harmful chemicals when working in laboratories of various sizes...

Ordering round ducts for ventilation


Smoke exhauster D and smoke exhauster DN: are there any fundamental differences in operation

Read the article on the topic: Smoke exhauster D and smoke exhauster DN: are there any fundamental differences in operation...

Aromatization of the premises as a form of influence on the buyer

There are many different smells that experts have selected for different areas of business....

Features of the compressor device


The importance of industrial air coolers

Individual air conditioners in each room are expensive. A large manufacturing facility has an existing ventilation system....