Home / Main / Global steel production in June 2024 increased by half a percent to 161 million tons.

Global steel production in June 2024 increased by half a percent to 161 million tons.

Main / Ferrous metallurgy

Steel production in 71 countries reporting data to the World Steel Association (Worldsteel) increased by 0.5% in June 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 - to 161.4 million tons, the association reported .

Global steel production in June 2024 increased by half a percent to 161 million tons.

Africa produced 1.6 million tons of steel in June 2024, down 9.6% from June 2023. Asia and Oceania produced 120.6 million tonnes, up 0.3%. The EU (27) produced 11.1 million tons, up 5.1%.

Europe produced 3.8 million tons of steel, up 2.1%. The Middle East produced 4.6 million tonnes, down 2.7%. North America produced 8.9 million tons, down 1.9%.

Russia and other CIS countries + Ukraine produced 7.4 million tons, up 1.4%.

South America produced 3.5 million tons, which is 4.1% more.

In January-June of this year, metal smelting did not change compared to the same period last year and amounted to 954.6 million tons.

Top 10 steel producing countries in June 2024

  1. China produced 91.6 million tons in June 2024, an increase 0.2% more than in June 2023.
  2. India produced 12.3 million tons, up 6.0%.
  3. Japan produced 7.0 million tons, which is 4.2% less.
  4. The USA produced 6.7 million tons, which is 1.5% less.
  5. Russia produced 6.0 million tons, which is 4. 1% less.
  6. South Korea produced 5.1 million tons, down 7.2%.
  7. Germany produced 3.2 million tons, down 8.9%
  8. Turkey produced 3.1 million tons, up 4.3%.
  9. Iran produced 2.6 million tons, down 8.5%.
  10. Brazil produced 2.9 million tons, an increase of 11.8%.
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