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World steel production fell by almost 6 percent in February

Main / Ferrous metallurgy
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World steel production fell by almost 6 percent in February

Global raw steel production in the 64 countries reporting to the World Steel Association (worldsteel) was 142.7 million tonnes (Mt) in February 2022, down 5.7% from February 2021.

Steel production by region in February was as follows. Africa produced 1.3 million tonnes, up 4.1% from February 2021. Asia and Oceania produced 102.6 million tons, down 7.1%. The CIS countries produced 7.7 million tons, which is 5.8% less. The EU (27) produced 11.7 Mt, down 2.5%. Other European countries - 3.8 million tons, which is 2.7% less. Middle East – 3.5 Mt (+2.8%), North America – 8.8 Mt (+1.8%), South America – 3.3 Mt (-7.0%)

China remains the leader in production, which accounted for 75 million tons of steel in February (-10%). The ten largest producers also included: India - 10.1 million tons (+7.6%), Japan - 7.3 million tons (-2.3%), USA - 6.4 million tons (+1.4% ), Russia - 5.8 million tons (-1.4%), South Korea - 5.2 million tons (-6.0%), Germany - 3.2 million tons (+3.8%), Turkey - 3.0 million tons (-3.3%), Brazil - 2.7 million tons (-6.9%), Iran - 2.5 million tons (+3.7%).

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