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Moody's downgraded the emerging markets

Business and Finance

the Impact of global risks have different impacts in different regions and sectors, while political risks hinder structural reforms in some countries.

Moody's downgraded the emerging markets

Analysts have changed the forecast for emerging markets by 2020 to "negative" due to uncertainty in world trade and geopolitics. "Although the risks of a recession are at attention all over the world, we do not expect its arrival in any of the major emerging economies, except for Argentina," - said senior Vice President of Moody's Gersan Zurita.

In his opinion, emerging markets will continue to show next year, stronger growth than developed markets: average growth rates for the EM will be more than 4.5% against less than 1.5% for developed markets.

"However, the growth rate is much lower than their historical averages, especially in large economies like Mexico, Russia, India and China", - said the expert.

the Significant growth of the world economy should not expect in the next two years, experts of the Organization for economic cooperation and development. It continues to hamper commercial war caused by the slowdown in China and stalled brakcet.

If in 2018, according to the organization, global economic growth amounted to 3.5 %, then this year it did not exceed 3%. The same figure of 2.9% is expected next year.

the Most disappointing performance of the Euro area: in 2018 - only 1.9%; in 2019 at 1.2%. In 2020, the projected growth is 1.1%.

At a press conference in Paris on Thursday, the chief economist of the organization, Laurence Boone said that in the face of such disappointing dynamics, and in the long term, world leaders must take urgent and decisive measures.

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