Home / News / Europe / Maritime transport the EU will be transferred to the power supply
Home / News / Europe / Maritime transport the EU will be transferred to the power supply

Maritime transport the EU will be transferred to the power supply

Europe / Engineering

About 12% of carbon dioxide emissions in the European economic area provides sea transport. For comparison, road transport is responsible for 13% of emissions.

Maritime transport the EU will be transferred to the power supply

Europe intends to transfer the maximum possible number of vehicles to electric. To this end, the unit has initiated and is implementing in all of its programme countries for the development of environmental technologies and electric transportation.

"We focus on Maritime transport, as it is the fastest way to actually reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU", says CEO of the Swiss company Leclanché Anil Shrivastava.

His company produces batteries for all-electric ferry Ellen. In addition, the company invited the Danish side a package of innovative solutions based on the requirements of efficacy and safety of an electric ship.

Ellen - the world's largest fully electric ferry that serves the route between two Danish Islands. His start was implemented with the support of the EU under project E-Ferry against the background set by Denmark objectives to achieve carbon neutrality.

home Port of the ferry to the Danish island of Ærø. Are charged batteries of the vessel, hence it makes five flights a day, transporting everyone to a nearby island and back.

start electric ferry has reduced the emissions of carbon dioxide in this part of Denmark, on 2 thousand tons a year.

Ellen Ferry is only the first step. The Swiss firm already has received 25 orders for equipment Electrosoul, some are larger than the Danish ferry.

"Europe is ahead of other regions of the world, the pace of development of electric ships, says Shrivastava. - European project E-Ferry provides us with important data in the field of transportation safety and operational standards. Based on them we develop solutions that are suitable not only for Europe but for the whole world."

Earlier today, the UN Savilethat despite all the efforts of mankind to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, their concentration in the atmosphere Earth is increasing and reached in 2018, a record level. According to the chief climate scientist of the planet, global warming will not stop, but hope for a miracle still.

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