Home / News / Russia / Public hearings on the Ukrainian train.d. wheels in Russia will be held in private
Home / News / Russia / Public hearings on the Ukrainian train.d. wheels in Russia will be held in private

Public hearings on the Ukrainian train.d. wheels in Russia will be held in private

Russia / Ukraine
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In a situation with quarantine measures related to the spread of coronavirus COVID-19, Department sewn up the domestic market, the EEC will hold a hearing in absentia format - through a survey of participants.

Public hearings on the Ukrainian train.d. wheels in Russia will be held in private

the Department of domestic market protection of the Eurasian economic Commission (EEC) took the solution to hold hearings within the framework of a repeated anti-dumping investigations in respect of the supply of steel solid-rolled wheels originating from Ukraine, in the correspondence format, in connection with the quarantine related to the spread of coronavirus infection COVID-19.

ECE invited all participants of the hearing until the evening of April 9, 2020, to submit to the Department a written position on the issues on the agenda of public hearings, as well as questions to other members that will be placed in open access on the Internet within one calendar day.

Recall that the first duty against Ukrainian well.d. wheels was introduced in 2015. In the middle of 2019 the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission adopted the decision on the suspension of anti-dumping duties on steel solid-rolled wheels in the amount 34,22% from Ukraine in connection with the deficit of this metal in the EEC.

an Increase in demand for railway wheels, the EEC explained the write-off in previous years about 260 thousand cars under recycling which used the pair of wheels is not disposed, and are used by operators for maintenance of other cars. The service life of used wheels is shorter than the new one.

reason for the deficit of the CCC, the Eurasian economic Commission was also called increasing the production of new cars, write-off of previously used second-hand wheels and the lack of long-term system of information interaction between consumers and producers of wheels relative to the needs 3-5 years in the future.

high demand for the wheels were so high that even the anti dumping duty is 34.22% did not affect the volume of imports from Ukraine: it amounted to about 180 thousand units per year over the past two years.

However, at the end of last year, the Russian manufacturers of wheels of Vyksa steel works (VSW) of United metallurgical company (OMK) and "Evraz NTMK", promised to increase the total production volumes of rolled products up to 1.5 million pieces per year and initiated a re-consideration of the introduction of duties on Ukrainian wheels.

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