Home / News / Russia / The Eurasian economic Commission plans to resume duties on Ukrainian well.d. wheel

The Eurasian economic Commission plans to resume duties on Ukrainian well.d. wheel

Russia / Ukraine
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At the end of 2019 the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission has suspended anti-dumping duties on Ukrainian steel solid-rolled wheels because of their scarcity in the domestic market.

The Eurasian economic Commission plans to resume duties on Ukrainian well.d. wheel

the Department of domestic market protection of the Eurasian economic Commission has prepared report "the results Of repeated anti-dumping investigations against steel solid-rolled wheels originating from Ukraine and imported on customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union, due to the changed circumstances".

the document notes that on the background of falling demand in the beginning of 2020, the production capacity of the EEU set for significant investment from key players has reached its peak in 2019, amounting to 1.67 million units per year, compared with 1.39 million tons in 2017.

"In the coming years, a combination of falling demand and increasing the capacity of the EEU and the increase in imports of goods on the market of the Union, may lead to the formation of surplus production capacity and a sharp decrease download manufacturers Union," the report said.

the Department predict on the basis of statistical data for January – may 2020 a further decline in demand for well.d. wheel in connection with the falling freight market and demand for new cars.

"the Provider of the goods from Ukraine has export potential, including due to the presence of free production capacities by product, and the possibility of increasing exports at the termination of anti-dumping measures. Thus, a change of circumstances that justified the non-application of measures in accordance with paragraph 272 of the Protocol are temporary and do not indicate a need to eliminate the use of antidumping measures", - concluded the Department.

Duties on Ukrainian steel well.d. the wheels were first introduced in 2015 in the amount of 4.75% for a period of 5 years. In 2018, it was increased to 34.22%, but in August 2019 was suspended due to a shortage of wheels on the market of the Eurasian Union. Shortages of CCC, the Eurasian economic Commission was also called increasing the production of new cars, write-off of previously used second-hand wheels and the lack of long-term system of information interaction between consumers and producers of wheels relative to the needs 3-5 years in the future.

a Public hearing on the issue of resumption of duties on Ukrainian wheel was in online in connection with measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus COVID-19.

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