Home / News / Ukraine / 1,500 certified energy auditors have appeared in Ukraine
Home / News / Ukraine / 1,500 certified energy auditors have appeared in Ukraine

1,500 certified energy auditors have appeared in Ukraine


The State Energy Efficiency of Ukraine has certified more than 1500 energy auditors for certification of energy efficiency of buildings and inspection of engineering systems of the country.

1,500 certified energy auditors have appeared in Ukraine

The State Energy Efficiency of Ukraine issued more than 1,500 energy auditor certificates for work in the following areas:

  • nearly 850 - building energy performance certification;
  • over 660 - survey of engineering systems.

According to the monitoring carried out by the State Energy Efficiency Agency, the number of certified specialists in these areas is growing every month. In particular, more than 140 specialists were certified in October this year, which is three times more than in September.

“At the same time, we continue to establish close cooperation with universities and academies on the implementation of training programs for the training of energy auditors, as well as the relevant certification commissions,” said Chairman of the State Energy Efficiency Committee Sergei Savchuk.

As reported in the Department of Communication and Public Relations of the State Energy Efficiency, as of today, 44 cooperation agreements have been concluded with universities; training was introduced in 30 institutions of higher education; 43 commissions have been created for certification of energy auditors.

The agency noted that energy auditors are already working in the new market for certification of energy performance of buildings. So, from September 2018 to the present day, more than 700 certificates have been issued and entered into the database by energy auditors. The greatest demand for these services was recorded in Poltava, Rivne, Lviv regions.

We remind you that on the State Energy Efficiency website you can familiarize yourself with the database of certified energy auditors (http://saee.gov.ua/uk/content/energy-auditors-attestation), select a specialist and carry out certification of the building.

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