Home / Press Releases / Economic effect of rationalization proposals at MMK increased by 40%
Home / Press Releases / Economic effect of rationalization proposals at MMK increased by 40%

Economic effect of rationalization proposals at MMK increased by 40%

Press Releases
According to the results of the first half of 2019, the economic effect from the implemented rationalization proposals at MMK amounted to almost 380 million rubles, which is 40% higher than the same indicator of the previous year.

In total, during this time, the innovators submitted 3.15 thousand ideas for consideration, of which more than 70% (2.21 thousand) were approved for implementation, which indicates an increase in the quality of the development of proposals.

The leaders in terms of economic efficiency of the implemented ideas were the steam-blower power plant (PVPP) shop, the blast furnace shop, the mine shop of the ore-dressing production, as well as the sheet-rolling shop No. 4. A significant part of the ideas submitted concerned labor protection and industrial safety issues, energy efficiency and economy of material and technical resources.

The amount of remuneration paid to rationalizers exceeded 20 million rubles.

The management of PJSC MMK considers the sphere of innovation and invention as the basis for personnel development and competitive advantages enterprises. The company is constantly looking for ways to improve the system of rationalization work. In addition to regular contests and training seminars, work is underway to simplify the procedure for submitting ideas, including through the Evolution and Energy Management Platform mobile applications. The involvement of personnel (the share of employees who submitted ideas to the total number of employees) in rationalization activities continues to grow. Compared to the first half of 2018, in 2019 this indicator for PJSC MMK as a whole increased by 20%. The maximum involvement of personnel is observed in the divisions of the Chief Power Engineer, where almost every seventh employee is noted in the first half of the year as the author of an improvement proposal.

In the first half of last year, the economic effect from rationalization activities at MMK amounted to 269 million rubles, and in total at the end of 2018 - 453 million rubles.

Information and Public Relations Department of PJSC MMK »
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