Home / Press Releases / Severstal supported the opening of the exhibition "Faberge and the court jewellers"
Home / Press Releases / Severstal supported the opening of the exhibition "Faberge and the court jewellers"

Severstal supported the opening of the exhibition "Faberge and the court jewellers"

Press Releases

PAO Severstal supported the opening of the exhibition "Faberge and the court jewelers"
in the State historical Museum.

the Exhibition is dedicated to Russian jewelry art of the second half of the NINETEENTH
early twentieth century, known throughout the world with beauty and grace. About 300
exhibits the era of the Russian Renaissance, including items of regimental museums
shown for the first time. The exhibition will run until April 30, 2020.

a Special role in the blossoming jewelry business was playing the Royal supplier
Russian Imperial court and the Royal courts of Europe, Carl
Faberge, whose name has become synonymous with jewelry genius. His work is dedicated to
a separate section of the exhibition, telling about the contribution of the master in Russia
jewelry, with more than 1000-year history.

the Exhibition introduces the history of the national revival jewelry,
with the development of the Moscow and Petersburg schools jewelers. The era is characterized by
the desire of companies to the renewal of artistic language, when the leading
artists turned to the creation of decorative products, including
silver and gold, and began to work with jewelry firms. The synthesis of the arts
resulted in unexpected art solutions for jewelry this

"we are honored to support this unique exhibition. The second half
of the XIX – beginning of XX century not for nothing called era of "jewelry of the Renaissance" in Russia.
At this time creates a whole galaxy of outstanding masters of the court. With the name of
the genius of Carl Faberge is familiar to many, but it is important to understand that he was far
not only the representative of a wealthy Russian jewelry school. It is encouraging that the
visitors to the State historical Museum have the opportunity
experience of work of court jewellers, who, no doubt,
are a perfect reflection of the life of the Imperial court of the era",
commented Deputy General Director of "Severstal"
Alex Egorov.

the visitors presented the items made in different styles:
things from the Royal palaces, commemorative wares, precious haberdashery, silver
sculpture. Section of the exhibition tells about the Russian-historical style or "style
national romance" gained much popularity at the turn of the century
due to the predominance of folk motifs. The Church objects that take
a special place in the decorative-applied art, and not previously exhibited.
exhibits regimental museums are also separate sections.

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