Home / Press Releases / Severstal is now accepting applications XI grant program "Museums of the Russian North"
Home / Press Releases / Severstal is now accepting applications XI grant program "Museums of the Russian North"

Severstal is now accepting applications XI grant program "Museums of the Russian North"

Press Releases

PAO Severstal announces the opening of the Charity grant program
"Museums of the Russian North" and the beginning of acceptance of applications for funding of distance
and online training of Museum workers on additional professional

the Program "Museums of the Russian North"-2020 is to facilitate
the sustainable development of the regions of the Russian North through the support of new directions.
and forms of Museum work. It focuses on the preservation and maintenance
historical-cultural heritage of the Russian North, to promote professional
growth of Museum professionals, the development of digital Museum projects and innovations.
the Program is implemented in 12 subjects of the Russian Federation: Republics of Karelia and Komi,
Perm Krai, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kirov, Kostroma,
the Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod and Pskov regions, Nenets
Autonomous district.

In 2020 connection with the unfavorable epidemiological situation the program
will be held in an online format, but retaining the same structure: grant
competition for Museum projects, project labs and grants for
training for employees of the Museum sector (temporary replacement contest
funding for travel grants for participation in professional events).

the XI grant competition of projects of the program "Museums of the Russian North" is aimed to
identify and support the best initiatives of the museums for development of digital products and
services. The competition will take place in two stages. In the first stage of the competition, which
will start on 17 August and will conclude in September, will feature project ideas
museums. At the second stage – from October 26 – will be accepting applications
already developed projects competing for grants.

In October for the participants of the XI grant competition, project ideas which are
successfully passed the expert selection will be held online laboratory "Made in
the Museum". The contest organizers are convinced that the qualitative results in the "Museum
the figure" can be achieved through a combination of knowledge accumulated in the Museum
experts on cultural heritage, their collections and their audiences, with
the one hand, and skills to develop on this basis an interesting and
meaningful cultural projects on the other. Online lectures, recorded with leading
industry professionals, will alternate with interactive forms of joint
work at a distance in virtual classrooms. The choice of the online format is not accidental:
it is dictated by not only prevailing in 2020 conditions because of the pandemic,
coronavirus, but also confirmed by the results of the study, which was attended by
more than 100 employees of museums of the regions of the program "Museums of the Russian North",
expressed his willingness to remote learning.

Despite the quarantine measures being worked on Museum projects and
won the tender of 2019. Four projects became possible
due to partner participation in the program "museums of the Russian North" company
included in the "Severgroup": so "TUI Russia" provided grants to projects
tourist-oriented, and "Sveza" has supported original research
and theatrical projects. Under favorable conditions, all the winning projects
last year's competition will be implemented before the end of December 2020.

Today starts the contest for the funding of grants for remote and
online training for improvement of professional skill Museum
workers at the three educational areas:

  • the training programs;

  • professional retraining programs;

  • other programs for development of professional competencies relevant
    the nature of the professional activities of the applicant, as well as objectives and priorities
    the organization he represents.

the Contest is intended for specialists of state and municipal museums and
galleries the arts, museums, other relevant groups with
collections of art and cultural organizations, which
includes museums. Participants are given the opportunity of an independent choice
of educational organizations and training programs. To be considered
applications for training in the period 1 October to 31 December 2020.
the Maximum grant amount for one person – 30 000 rubles.

to learn More about the contest and download the documentation at
the official
the program "Museums of Russian North". The application period will end on 24
August, the results of the competition will be known on September 16.

the Operator of the Charity program "Museums of the Russian North" company
"Severstal" in 2020 – Fund of support of scientific, educational and cultural
initiatives "Trajectory". For additional information, please contact:
Anna radyns'ka, curator of the program "Museums of the Russian North", +7 985 976-35-94
aradiskaya@traektoriafd.com br>

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