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Home / Press Releases / At Chelyabinsk zinc plant was opened adoptively installation

At Chelyabinsk zinc plant was opened adoptively installation

Press Releases
At Chelyabinsk zinc plant was opened adoptively installation

Quality, reliability and efficiency – these are three postulates of energy found one the embodiment of new adoptivefamilies install Chelyabinsk zinc plant (metallurgical complex of UMMC), which opened yesterday. The cost of the project amounted to 102 million rubles.

Adoptively installation, or VPU, is required for hot water heating administrative and industrial buildings. The previous installation had an output of 18 Gcal/h. carried out technical re-equipment allowed to increase a heat capacity of 60 Gcal/h.

the Principle of operation is simple – the coolant is supplied by two pumps, then steam is heated at the temperature of 175°C. the Source of steam is a steam header located in the boiler building of the energy plant.

the condensate formed in the heating process of water is carried through the steam traps are installed after each heat exchanger in the condensate tanks, the capacity of which 15 m3 each. Then the condensate is returned to the building of chemical water treatment and re-introduced into the production cycle.

"Today we climbed another step of the technical development of the enterprise, – said Director of JSC "Chelyabinsk branch of" Paul Isbright. – Adoptively the installation is very important for the plant object. First, it increases energy security, and secondly, economically profitable and will pay just over two years."

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