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Home / Press Releases / On mine "Anniversary" has received a new, efficient equipment

On mine "Anniversary" has received a new, efficient equipment

Press Releases
On mine "Anniversary" has received a new, efficient equipment

S. Peter and Paul (Republic of Bashkortostan)

Construction of the Jubilee underground mine OOO "Basmati" (enterprise resource complex of UMMC) in haybullinsky district of Bashkiria has replenished with new equipment. The total cost of three underground machines more than 63 million rubles.

the New self-propelled machine for nabryzgivaniya Spraymec 1050 from the company "Normet" is intended to strengthen the mining of concrete-sand mixture. To promptly provide it with a ready-made concrete, the mine also received two new underground mixer Heco produced in Krasnoyarsk.

"This technology we have never felt before and for attachment sites of mine workings with unfavourable mining and geological conditions we have used BM–86. It is applied dry concrete-sand mixture that is mixed with water directly in the process of nabryzgivaniya, used as a fastening special profile, but it is a long and more labor-intensive methods. With the new machines, we significantly improve the quality of work, greatly save time and human resources, which naturally increases productivity," says the chief engineer of the underground mine Ruslan Garipov.

Spraymec self-Propelled machine equipped with a boom at the end of which a nozzle spray finished concrete-sand mixture. To control the boom the operator can, directly from the cabin and using the remote control console that provides additional convenience and increased security when working. Good mobility of the boom and a function of automatic movements of the nozzle allow the operator to apply a layer of concrete more evenly, enhancing the quality of the coating.

Mixers Heco is a special two-axle all-wheel drive chassis with the articulated frame. On the back of the frame is mounted a concrete mixer with a capacity of 4.5 cubic metres. The machine has a comfortable triple cabin with a good view of the working area. On the multifunction display, the operator can observe the operating parameters of all systems of the car.

currently, the concrete-sand mixture is delivered to the mixer from the surface. The haulage distance is about 8 kilometers. To cut it, the miners of the plan to submit the finished mixture according to the existing well at 290 horizon, and in the future to drill a well to 495 horizon in the foreseeable future will be concentrated the bulk of the work mining and excavations.

– We are able to evaluate new equipment is appreciated, – said Ruslan Garipov, for the few days that she works in the mine, concreted about a thousand square meters of mine workings. Two complete mixers concrete enough Spraymec machine almost full time. During this time it is about 30 linear metres, covering the walls develop a layer of concrete, thickness of 4-5 cm When a load we plan to cover with concrete about 12 thousand m2 mining in the last month.

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